If one were set the challenge of performing fundamental research in design or research for design, how would they tackle it? Design is a practical field and one of the crucial and subtle ways through which design is diversified and opinions demonstrated is the collection of one’s methods, mentalities, beliefs, values, tools, mediums and outlets, in other words, their design practice. Therefore, to further investigate a way of performing research in design, it is necessary to not simply engage with the listed elements of practice, changing them one by one and attempting to integrate them with other practices of design, but to take it as a whole and construct it from the ground up. This project does exactly that. It explores one possible way of performing fundamental design research by synthesising contemporary design discussions and challenges, setting a practical and ethos based focus point – constructive design dishevelment – which it uses to build the skeletal frame of a practice and presents the conceptual, speculative work under the guise of a real, active, practice to ensure that those seeing it perceive it as more than a Masters project.
Visualising Design Research and Funding

Question Cards
